Harold Abbott Green


Emil Ganso

Henry Gasser

Richard F. Gates

(Samuel) Wood Gaylor

Leonid Gechtoff

Katharine M. Gericke

George Gibson

William Glicksman

Nathan Gluck

Harry Gottlieb


Harold Abbott Green

Scott Greene

Peter Grippe

James Groody

Joseph Peter Gualtieri

Harold Abbott Green


Harold Abbott Green was born in 1883 in Montreal, Canada, but lived in Hartford, Connecticut. He was a pupil of Flagg and Brandegee. He was a member of the Connecticut Academy of Fine Arts and won their Dunham Prize in 1918. He is listed in "Who Was Who in American Art" and the "Biographical Encyclopedia of American Painters, Sculptors, and Engravers in the U.S." He died in 1969.

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