Dorothy Cleveland Churchill Wyman


Anne Waldron

Ruth A. Wall

D.A. Warren

Natalie Warshawer

Ryo Watanabe

June Claire Wayne

Leonie Oelker Weisser

Willem Welters

Bradley L. Wilson

Sol Wilson

Karl Winterroll

W. Wittler

M. E. Woeffel

Vernon Wood

Regina Wood

Jan Wunderman

Dorothy Cleveland Churchill Wyman

Dorthy Cleveland Churchill Wyman


Dorothy Wyman studied at the Boston Museum of Fine Art School and privately with George E. Browne in Provincetown and Europe. Her works were exhibited at Grace Horne Gallery in Boston, where she had her first solo exhibition. Her works were also exhibited at Allied Artists of America in New York City in 1935, the Boston Society of Independent Artists, the Copley Society, and the Provincetown Art Association. She had a retrospective of her works at Bakker Gallery in Boston in 1993. She’s listed in "Who Was Who in American Art".

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